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Construction of six-unit classroom

Project Summary

“Building Brighter Futures” is a project which seeks to provide educational facilities for Salom, a rural community in the Ada West District of the Republic of Ghana. The project seeks to put up a 6-Unit Classroom block with a mini-Library facility to help improve the intellectual capacity and social well-being of children.

The project also seeks to support the self-help development of rural communities and improve the reading skills of children in the Ada West District and inculcate a sense of ownership in project beneficiaries to enhance project sustainability. Our research in other districts indicates that, projects that are given to beneficiaries entirely free are not managed well.

For us at TEKCHILLS Foundation, our model of operation required beneficiary communities to contribute full labor cost of entire project cost with their own community fund. Salom community have been selected for this project because of their willingness and preparedness to contribute the said quota towards solving their problem by shouldering all labor related costs associated with the project.

Project Goal and Objectives

• To provide conducive environment for effective teaching and learning.
• To make education attractive to the school pupils.
• To achieve United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal Number 4 – Quality Education.
• To boost the intellectual capacity and social well-being of school children.

Project Output

At the end of the project, the following output are expected to be achieved. It is expected that,

• A 6-Unit classroom block and a mini library is built for Salom community.
• Children from this community are in school at the school going time and days but not in the farm.
• Children between the ages of 2-10 years and even lower do not carry their own chairs and tables for close 30 minutes to school.
• To prevent termites from destroying educational materials of the school.